Personal Service in a Digital World

We are a regional firm of Chartered Accountants, Chartered Tax Advisers and Registered Auditors placing personal service to our clients at the heart of everything we do.

The technological changes in the last twenty years have given us the opportunity to be at the forefront of the digital wave, improving both the business and personal lives of our clients.

We are proud of our heritage: for over 90 years we have provided sound advice to our clients and, thanks to our distinctive and supportive culture, we work together to deliver the very best for them.



Tax Rates and Thresholds 2024/25

Download our digital Tax Card here to quickly check the latest information for the current tax year.



From April 2026, MTD for IT will apply to sole trade businesses and landlords with a total business and/or property income above £50,000 per year - click here to see how we can help!


We support a wide variety of Fourth Sector organisations from more traditional co-operatives through to community interest companies, societies and benefit corporations. More and more, organisations and entrepreneurs are seeking ways to do good and make money at the same time.

We have been members of Co-Operatives UK since 2014 and have a team dedicated to providing bespoke advice to this rapidly growing sector of our economy.

Although the current legal and tax structures have been primarily designed for the traditional three sectors (for-profit, non-profit, and public), we are adept at navigating the existing framework to suit all shapes and sizes of for-benefit organisations. 

To scale the fourth sector and unleash the power of business to solve pressing social and environmental challenges at scale, there needs to be a massive effort to develop strong and cohesive supportive ecosystems that make it easier for for-benefit enterprises to thrive everywhere in the world.

Calls for major reform are being heard from all corners. The need to fundamentally upgrade our economic systems to meet today’s challenges is becoming increasingly apparent. This new mindset is shaping the way we look at enterprise.

More and more, organisations and entrepreneurs are seeking ways to do good and make money at the same time.
— The Fourth Sector Group

Libby Gilchrist 1968 to 2024

We said a final goodbye this week to our very dear friend and colleague Libby Gilchrist, who ran our Payroll department for over seven years.

Libby fought a battle against cancer for nearly two years and, throughout all her treatments, she quietly and cheerfully kept her payroll work going, taking comfort in the regularity of the processes and the contact with her clients.

Her steady positivity and resilience in the face of adversity was extraordinary and meant that many of the people she had regular conversations with were unaware of the journey she was on.

Her legacy will live on in the outstanding payroll systems she created for us and in the superb notes she wrote for pretty much anything she did; in her colour-coded spreadsheets - and the many friendships she built with her unfailing good humour and joy.

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments but what is woven into the lives of others.


Our Charity News provides updates on the latest guidance and support for the not-for-profit sector, featuring a variety of new guidance released by charity regulators.

Additionally, we examine the impact of recent legislative changes, reporting requirements, tax developments, and other relevant issues, offering insight into the sector's most pressing topics and up-to-date guidance.

Download our latest Charity News Spring 2024

Download our latest Charity News Autumn 2024