Set Up Your Time To Pay Arrangement With HMRC Online
Do you have any Self Assessment tax due on 31 January 2021?
On 31 January (2021) the following tax is due to be paid:
The 2nd payment on account for the tax year 2019/20 (if you deferred it from 31 July 2020);
The balancing payment for the tax year 2019/20;
Your first payment on account for tax year 2020/21.
If these total under £30,000, you can set up a TTP (Time to Pay Arrangement), paying by Direct Debit over 12 months, without talking to or contacting HMRC by phone.
How do you do this?
Simply access HMRC’s website at using your Government Gateway ID and password.
If we have prepared and filed your 2019/20 Tax Return, you will need to leave at least 48 hours after we have actually filed before using this online system.
Anything else you need to know?
Interest will be charged, from 1 February 2021, at 2.6% per annum.
Penalties will not be payable as long as you stick to the payment plan.
If you are worried about finding enough money to pay your whole tax bill by the end of January 2021 this one off arrangement is worth considering and has been specifically designed as part of the Governments Covid-19 response.